Our Approach

Our Approach

Our approach can be summed up through the following guiding principles:

We tend to be engaged on early-stage projects, pre-construction or even in the conceptual phase with the highest value added. However, we also advise on mature assets - the combination of the two giving us a thorough understanding of how to value a project and what to look out for when developing one.

We assist development projects even if these take years, and have never abandoned a project - be that a start-up UK waste recycling business, a shovel-ready wind power plant in Europe or selling operational hydro power plants in Turkey (just to name a few examples from the recent years.)

In the process we de facto become part of the management team and support the underlying project in whatever way we can, based on our extensive experience having supported numerous projects through their entire development cycles.

Our advisory business over the years has led to EuCap taking principal positions in select projects and becoming a development partner.

We thrive on being the trusted advisor to our clients and a trusted partner to our development partners, aiming to earn that trust and respect with diligence, discipline and honesty.


Our Approach

Our approach can be summed up through the following guiding principles:

We tend to be engaged on early-stage projects, pre-construction or even in the conceptual phase with the highest value added. However, we also advise on mature assets - the combination of the two giving us a thorough understanding of how to value a project and what to look out for when developing one.

We assist development projects even if these take years, and have never abandoned a project - be that a start-up UK waste recycling business, a shovel-ready wind power plant in Europe or selling operational hydro power plants in Turkey (just to name a few examples from the recent years.)

In the process we de facto become part of the management team and support the underlying project in whatever way we can, based on our extensive experience having supported numerous projects through their entire development cycles.

Our advisory business over the years has led to EuCap taking principal positions in select projects and becoming a development partner.

We thrive on being the trusted advisor to our clients and a trusted partner to our development partners, aiming to earn that trust and respect with diligence, discipline and honesty.

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